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HanRats : )


We are a small home run refuge for ratties who are in need of a loving home for whatever reason (I am not here to judge anyone). Officially we started to take in unwanted Rats in January 2011, However we have kept Rats for a combined 15 years.

​We sell Rat related jewellery and bits for funds.

We have a manned facebook page that offers a lifetime of support and advice to anyone who needs it as well as giving the opportunity to keep up with our rats progress.

Unless previously arranged all rescue rats will be re-homed.. Normally after 9-12 weeks of being with us, unless the rats need longer. I am happy to discuss my re homing procedure and policies further with anyone :) if need be.

All adoption applicants are required to leave a donation and fill in a questionnaire before taking any rats on a home trial. We do not re home single rats, rats as food, rats to be kept in vivariums or tanks, and we reserve the right to decline anyone who applies to adopt from us. It is simply impossible for us to keep all of the Rats who come to us on a forever term no matter how much I want that! as I would be over run and that would not be fair on us or the rats.

I keep in touch with most new RatMums! When I got to know some other Rattie lovers, a thing we used to discuss was how hard it was to find someone who would take care of our rats in our absence.. So started the Boarding. I had the room and I loved meeting new ratties so why not?! : )

I have now re-homed over a hundred rats and boarded over thirty.


​A little bit about me;

So my name is Hannah and I'm 23. I live in a flat on the wirral with my fiance, Ry :) Our dog Roo and our rats. Ry was the reason I became hooked on furries, See I was always a bunny person but for our First anniversary he bought me a gorgeous hooded boy called Rattles and from that moment on yeah like I said I was hooked!! We don't have any kids yet.. Our pets are our babies! I work as a carer and Ry works in security.

My routine etc

I work 5 days a week from 9am to 3pm... When I get home each day my males are free ranged for two hours in their room then after they are put away my females have the same two hours of free ranging. Some days they have a large tub of water with sweetcorn in so they can dive :)

All my rats cages are thoroughly cleaned once a week.

Water bottles and food bowls are cleaned and refilled every morning. My daily food mix consists of a meusli mix, some cereal, Supreme Science Selective Rat Food, dried fruit and nuts.

My rats are given treats daily but most of these are home made.

​About my Boarding

I will look after any size group because my ratties have their own room. I charge a fee of £40.00 per week that is for any size group within reason.

I supply both food and bedding, but I do need to know what you use so I can get it in if I haven't got it. I also require your ratties to be in their own cage 90%, this will reduce any chance of them getting stressed as they are still in their 'safe space', However if needs be sometimes I will have cage space in which I can accommodate your furries. ​I will need to know if you specifically don't let your ratties have any kind of food apart from the obvious!, if your ratties are on any kind of medication or need any special treatment.

I have 4 references for my boarding service and hope to aquire more in the future.

All of our boards leave us with a bag of treats and gift :)


Copyright 2012 HanRats Rehoming & Boarding
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